The Harold
In this 8-week class, improvisers will learn the philosophy and execution of The Harold, the world-renowned long-form developed by Del Close and The Committee in San Francisco in the 1960s. Before it was reined into a shorter, structured format in Chicago more than fifteen years later, The Harold was an unstructured organic exploration of themes through the convergence of scenes, games, monologues, songs, transformations, and more rooted in the legendary improvisation techniques of Viola Spolin. The Harold exercises every tool and skill each individual improviser has, while the ensemble collaborates to orchestrate an improvised whole together. There will be a graduation performance on the evening of the last day of class.
- Prerequisitesprevious improv training/experience required Request this class
What People Are Saying:
Amanda is not only a great improviser with years of experience, but she knows HOW to teach it. I believe this is hard to find nowadays. She is a gifted teacher. You will not be disappointed by trusting in her creative way of teaching, her unique insights and honest feedback.
Amanda's style of teaching and the concepts she teaches are foundational for good scene work and unlike any that are taught in other theaters in Atlanta. She has changed the way I play and makes it feel more effortless to improvise.
Her insight is amazing, and it is matched by her succinctness in giving constructive and critical feedback.
You need to know how to teach to make a difference, and she surely does.
Amanda is an amazing improv teacher. Her enthusiasm and performance experience shine through in her teaching, enabling her to help students make huge improvements in their skills while having loads of fun.
Amanda's class has helped my improv skills grow and blossom more than any improv books I've read, or any other workshops I've taken before.