Next week, I’ll be doing one of my favorite things: teaching a fun improv class to folks who don’t have (or maybe never even thought they wanted) improv or acting experience.
Does speaking in front of a large group make you nervous? Do you want to improve your communication skills at parties/gatherings or think faster on your feet to increase productivity at work?
Well, here’s a low-key way to get your feet wet with some very accessible theatre. Improvisation is more than just a great tool for actors, it’s a different way of approaching life. Through fun games and exercises, students will gain more confidence, more creativity, and more playfulness in their lives through the basic improv skills of listening, reacting, working with others, and trusting oneself. Not only will it make you more comfortable while thinking on your feet, it’s a delightful way to spend an evening. No previous theatre experience required!
Led by seasoned Chicago performer, writer, and director, Amanda Rountree (uh, yeah…that’s me), this three-hour workshop is perfect for anyone who is looking to broaden their horizons without having to make a commitment to a full improv program.
Tuition is $40 per student, and registration can be completed at the Brown Paper Tickets page. Space is limited! Please contact
Wednesday, January 27 7-10pm at the Cornelia Arts Center
One week away from the workshop and we still have some spots left. Please pass along the info to anyone you think might be interested. Thanks!
Hi there. I’m just curious if there are any plans to have another one of the improv classes for non-actors in the future. I’d be very interested in taking this class. Thanks.
Hi, Ashley!
Thanks for asking! Yes, we will definitely be offering an improv class for non-actors very soon. I will keep you posted!