Improv for High Schoolers

Improv for High Schoolers

Improv (short for improvisation) is a popular form of theatre in which the players spontaneously create stories, characters, and scenes. Through fun games and exercises, students will learn the essential improv skills of listening, reacting, collaborating with others, and trusting oneself. Over the course of the twelve weeks, students will learn how to release their natural creativity and create spontaneous stories both verbally and physically. This class will culminate in an entertaining demonstration for family and friends. Even if students miss a class here and there due to busy schedules, they can still participate in the final demonstration.

This class is for high-school aged teens (14-17).


What People Are Saying:

  • Amanda's style of teaching and the concepts she teaches are foundational for good scene work and unlike any that are taught in other theaters in Atlanta. She has changed the way I play and makes it feel more effortless to improvise.
