So the other day, I was teaching an improv workshop to very young kids (ages 6-9). We began with sitting in a circle and I asked them if they knew what they were going to learn in the workshop. A few hands shot up, and I called on one of them. As I listened to his answer, I noticed that one of the girls had started crying. I asked her what was wrong and she replied, “I knew the answer to your question, but when I raised my hand I hit myself in the face. It hurt.”
Oh, honey. I have been there. I tried to comfort her as best I could, saying, “Oh, I’ve done that before….I’m sorry…’ll be okay….” Because I didn’t want to make it worse, I didn’t add that, if she’s anything like me, that won’t be the last time that she gets excited about something and then ridiculously injures herself.