Sometimes means that you will occasionally attend a street festival by accident in the summer

Sometimes means you’ll find yourself squished into the corner of the train car between an oblivious guy with a backpack and a chuckling gentleman who rolls his eyes

Sometimes means you can fall asleep to the sound of the waves hitting the beach

Sometimes means that you’re waiting in line at the grocery store behind an old couple quietly speaking in Polish

Sometimes means you smell chocolate when you’re walking to work

Sometimes means that on any given week, you receive forty-nine event invitations on facebook and forty-eight of them are for sketch or improv shows

Sometimes means you will hear “Go Bears” as a salutation between strangers during football season

Sometimes means that by walking down one street, you can travel through several countries

Always means you’ll have no shortage of something fun or interesting to do

Always means you’re going to continue meeting some pretty amazing people

Here’s to you, Chicago!  I can’t believe it’s already been six years.
