Whew! A huge thank you to everyone who participated in my online raffle to raise touring funds for The Good, the Bad, and the Monkey. What a success! I was able to raise enough for my airfare to Austin with some left over to either apply to my hotel stay there or (since I’m hoping to mostly couch-surf while I’m down there) airfare to one of my next destinations (either Louisville, Philadelphia, or Victoria). As performers know, touring can be super expensive. So I’m very grateful that so much of my costs have been nearly taken care of! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Without further adieu, here are today’s winners! Congratulations everybody!
Evan Jacover, Dominique Lewis, and Eric Paskey, each winners of an adorable sock monkey from Diffraction Fiber
David Lawson, winner of two tickets to see a live taping of WBEZ’s popular show, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me
Dennis Frymire, winner of a box of wackiness from Uncle Fun
Joe Janes, winner of two tickets to see a production at Lifeline Theatre