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All of the cool kids are doing it….

A fun and easy way to keep up with the workshops I’m teaching, the shows I’m performing, and the thoughts I’m having (related to theatre, art, and creativity) is to “like” my page on facebook.  When you’ve got the time, please head over to that side of the internet and check it out.  And if…

185 Buddhas Walk into a Bar…. Don’t Miss Your Chance to See This Show!

Hello, Chicagoland! You have ELEVEN chances to see 185 Buddhas Walk into a Bar… There are EIGHT performances during my February March run on Thursdays at Studio Be.  Each night, I will have a different talented performer opening the show!  Plus, there are THREE previews of the show in the month of January as part…

2013: The Year of Great Legwear

It has only been 2013 for about sixteen hours or so, but I can tell it’s gonna be a good year….. I’ve already worn five different pairs of pants. going-to-a-party-with-lovely-people jeans big ol’ comfy I-need-to-eat-food-after-whisky jeans sleepy, fuzzy kermit pants post-pasta workout sweats lounging-on-the-couch owl pj’s Clearly, we’re off to a productive start. This is…

Opening Acts for 185 Buddhas

I’m delighted and honored to announce the opening acts for the Feb/Mar Chicago run of my solo show, 185 Buddhas Walk into a Bar… Feb. 7:  Ever Mainard, comedian Feb. 14:  Ian Foley, comedian Feb. 21:  Ed Smaron, singer/songwriter/musician Feb. 28:  Dave Stinton, comedian Mar. 7:   Scott Whitehair, storyteller Mar. 14:  Kelsie Huff, comedian/solo-performer Mar.…

185 Buddhas debuts in just two weeks!

I am just two weeks away from debuting my solo show, 185 Buddhas Walk into a Bar at Lifeline’s Fillet of Solo Festival!  It’s a chance to get to see my show BEFORE its run in February and March!  And seeing something before it technically opens is kinda like having a super power!  So see…

185 Buddhas Walk into a Bar…

…And the bartender says, “Hey!  That’s the name of Amanda Rountree’s new one-woman show!” Creating a show has a lot of steps to it.  I began writing this current show last year.  It came in fits and spurts and began mostly as unconnected memories and stories about my journey as a performer and an artist. …

The Good, the Bad, and the Monkey: full video

Born out of a silly idea of having very emotional moments with inanimate objects on stage, I wrote and performed my very first solo show, The Good, the Bad, and the Monkey in 2009.  I was fortunate enough to have the very talented, Jen Ellison direct me in this endeavor.  I previewed it on the…

Morning Glory

This morning, I left the apartment without eating breakfast.  I figured I would pick up a little something while I was running around.  As soon as I felt the November air kiss my face, I started craving a vegan Morning Glory muffin from Madison Market.  In the nine years of living in Seattle, I had…

Letters to Myself

I’m a journal-er.  Yes, I’m a writer, so it would make sense that I journal.  But I really journal.  Lots.  And most of that never sees the light of day.  It’s the writing I know I’m not gonna share with anyone else, and therefore, I can be free to write anything.  Anything.  (Sidenote:  When I…

A Second Part of the Second City

When I ride the blue line, I feel like I’m in an Alternate-Reality-Chicago.  It’s a path not taken.  A “if I had moved to Ukranian Village, I’d be one of these people” feeling.  If I’d done more than dipped my toes into the waters of visual art, if instead of diving into theatre, I’d gone…