Tag Archive: love

More Improv Notes as Poetry

Sometimes, when I’m directing a show or teaching a class, the notes I write down as direction, thoughts, and feedback can sound like a poem.  Here’s an amalgamation of my recent in-class/in-rehearsal musings that sound like a little poem to me.   Embrace reality open up create the boat Speak up we had chances to…

art it out

The only way to get something out of your head is to art it out draw out the image paint out the dream write out the story poem out the feelings then you can go on about your day when a creative force strikes, it’s not always something pretty and fun sometimes it is the…


Then, there are those dreams when you see your sister and she’s still alive and you sit across the table from her and you want to explain to her that the reason you’re wearing her earrings is because it was a way to have her with you. But here she is— she’s across the table…

Where You Were and Where You Are

As one gets older, it is widely believed that one gets accustomed to getting older. I suppose that’s true to an extent. A small extent. For getting older is not the same as riding a bike or learning another such skill. Every time you get older, you’re in new territory. Every time you have a…

Living in the South

Best things about living in the south: fried okra the weather the wonderful people I’ve met (they don’t necessarily come after okra and weather, but I just had more okra today, and it’s really on my mind) fried lots of things, actually sweet tea the weather: it’s worth mentioning again, as it is the middle…

From the Homesick Files…

And then comes the day after all of the holiday hubbub when you’re at the gym trying to work out, and that Tony Bennett song comes on and you remember walking on State Street, that great street. And you close your eyes, but you’re not in Chicago, you’re in Cumming, Georgia. And the suburbanites at…

Advanced Scene Study Class at The Brink

Well, I must have done something right, because the lovely folks at The Brink have asked me to teach an 8-week AdvancedScene Study class on Sundays starting a week from today!  We’ve already got quite a few folks signed up for this class, but there are some spots still open!  If you’ve been studying/performing improv…

Fun Improv Class for Non-Actors in North GA

I am delighted to be offering this fun, one-night only improv class for adults with little to no improv experience.  If an improv class sounds a wee bit scary to you, and you live in northern Georgia, then this is the class for you!  And it will be fun, not scary–I promise! Improv for Non-Actors…

Sustainable Scenework Improv Workshop in Atlanta

I’ll be teaching a one-day master-level improv workshop in Atlanta on October 18th! This is a workshop for improvisers who would like to do scenes that can sustain themselves for longer than just a few minutes.  If you’ve been practicing/performing improv for a while now, but are still a bit intimidated when it comes to…

the losing of someone

in the losing of someone, you gain so many things things you didn’t want you just want to trade all of those things back for your loved one but you can’t your loved one is gone and you are stuck with a crappy grab bag filled with sadness, anger, fear, loneliness, and a hollow, emptied…