Personal Storytelling Class
First person storytelling shows are all the rage on stages and podcasts across the country. In this class, you will learn how to take true events from your own life and weave them into engaging performances. We will work on public speaking skills, presentation, story structure, different narrative approaches, and creating your own unique style. Each week, students will be given a new assignment for how to structure a story. Students choose their own subject matter for their personal stories. This class culminates in a performance, where each student will share a 3-7 minute personal story.
- PrerequisitesNo experience necessary. Request this class
I really love the space Amanda Rountree created for our storytelling class, how it was structured, the honest helpful feedback, the camaraderie of the class supporting each other. I appreciated it as a space I felt safe to take risks, which I believe has made me a better storyteller. I look forward to more classes with Amanda!
Beginning Improv
Improvisation is more than just a useful tool for actors, it’s a different way of approaching life. Through fun games and exercises, students will gain more confidence, more creativity, and more playfulness with the basic improv skills of listening, reacting, working with others, and trusting oneself. Not only will it make you more comfortable while thinking on your feet, it’s really fun! This class is simply eight weeks of meeting and playing in an enjoyable, supportive environment without the pressure of a final performance.
- PrerequisitesNo previous training or experience necessary. Request this class
I took my first improv class with Amanda, and I’m so glad I started with her. I walked into that class terrified – I had no acting experience and was rarely funny. She created an environment
where I felt encouraged and safe to be vulnerable (a rarity for me at that time)….I can also honestly say that her classes have changed my life outside of improv – I’m more open, more comfortable with failure and less stressed in social situations.
Applied Improv Workshop
The benefits of learning and exercising improv skills can help any group achieve their goals. In this workshop, the instructor will lead students through various enjoyable games which will focus on one or more of the following: confidence, listening, communication, mindfulness, collaboration, public speaking, creativity, thinking on one’s feet, and more. Then, the group will learn how to apply these skills to fit their team’s specific needs.
Contact Amanda if you’d like to schedule your own private workshop.
- PrerequisitesNo experience necessary Request this class
I really enjoyed the safe environment that Amanda created. I am really a beginner and I never felt like an outsider during the workshop. Amanda made sure that we all walked away with a new skill and ways to think outside of the box!
Yoga & Improv
We all need more fun and less stress in our lives, and this workshop delivers! Each monthly class brings together fun improv play with accessible yoga for all levels. Stretch both your body and your mind, while strengthening your confidence, mindfulness, and creativity in a fun, relaxing atmosphere.
I’m delighted to co-teach this workshop with the amazing yoga instructor, and co-creator of the concept, Elizabeth Chavez Phillips.
Bring a yoga mat if you have one, a water bottle, and comfy clothes you can move in.
- LocationLunar Yoga — 101 Meadow Drive, Cumming GA 30040
- Prerequisitesno experience necessary. All experience levels welcome.
Request this class
I really enjoyed the safe environment that Amanda created. I am really a beginner and I never felt like an outsider during the workshop. Amanda made sure that we all walked away with a new skill and ways to think outside of the box!
Personal Storytelling Workshop
Everyone can tell a personal story, but in this workshop for adults, you’ll learn some of the technical ins and outs of taking true events from your own life and weaving them into an engaging performance. We will touch on personal style, story structure, and different approaches in this introductory workshop. Storytelling skills build confidence, connection, and community.
This workshop is pay-what-you-can! Simply enter the amount you can pay (even if it’s just a dollar) when you register.
Contact Amanda if you’d like to schedule your own private workshop.
- PrerequisitesNo experience necessary. Request this class
Being in a class with Amanda is never intimidating and always fun. Because the class is based in non-judgment and inclusion on all levels, you feel safe and open to discovery. Her honesty and openness are inspiring and it’s always a joy to be in a room with her.
Improv for Teachers
No matter the age of your students, utilizing improvisation skills and games to supplement your personal teaching approach helps nurture new, dynamic ways of learning in the classroom. In this workshop, you will learn the basic principles of improv and how to apply those concepts to lessons across your curriculum, fitting your classroom’s specific needs.
- PrerequisitesNo theatre experience necessary. Request this class
Improv is something that has always intimidated me. I’ve always felt that it’s far out of my league. This class opened up my understanding of what improv can be and showed me that I do have something to bring to the table.
Intro to Improv
This workshop is your chance to get a small taste of how the art and fun of improv can impact your life in a positive way. In the span of just a couple of hours, students will get a small sampling of the gifts that can come from improvising. Improvisation is more than just a useful tool for actors, it’s a different way of approaching life. Through enjoyable games and exercises, students who benefit from regular improv practice gain more confidence, more creativity, and more playfulness with the basic improv skills of listening, reacting, working with others, and trusting oneself. Find out if improv classes are right for you with this introductory workshop!
This workshop is pay-what-you-can! Simply enter the amount you can pay (even if it’s just a dollar) when you register.
- PrerequisitesNo experience necessary. Request this class
Apart from her remarkable teaching, Amanda’s commitment to fostering a collaborative and supportive learning environment really enhanced the experience and made me feel more comfortable.
Just for Fun Improv Workshop
It’s easy for adults to forget to set aside time in our lives to play and laugh, but it’s one of the most important things we can do for our happiness. This feel-good improv class is play-time for grownups, a delightful and necessary break from the work and stress that can build up in our lives. You’ll spend the entire class-time simply playing and having fun, as Amanda leads the group through both beloved classics and lesser known games. Since this workshop is just about playing fun games, it’s open to adults with all levels of experience with improv, whether that’s no experience at all, just a little bit, or a whole lot. Making time for play is an act of self-care.
This is the Holiday Edition! You’ll get a break from holiday stress while learning some games you can share at your own holiday party!
- LocationOnline
- PrerequisitesNo experience necessary. All experience levels welcome.
Request this class
I have not laughed so much in a long time. What a fun class.
Talk Like Shakespeare Workshop
If you felt like you could just never “get” Shakespeare in high school, this class will rectify that. In this fun workshop for adults, students will play enjoyable games and exercises to learn the difference between their “thees” and “thous.” Students will be throwing around both compliments and insults, Shakespeare-style, in no time!
- PrerequisitesNo experience necessary. Request this class
Being in a class with Amanda is never intimidating and always fun. Because the class is based in non-judgment and inclusion on all levels, you feel safe and open to discovery. Her honesty and openness are inspiring and it’s always a joy to be in a room with her.